You have these talented and funny actors at your disposal. And when you have people like Isla Fisher, Jon Hamm, Gal Gadot and Zach Galifianakis, your work is, really, almost done for you. I suppose the idea that a boring, old married couple being thrust into a the world of espionage by their new neighbors is one that you could, theoretically, mine some laughs from. But I think decent is giving this concept too much credit. Is it really a decent concept? I suppose decent isn't, technically, good. I mean, really, do we have to? Can't we just talk about Zach's beard some more? The RottenTomatoes consensus says that this movie squanders a decent concept. I can't be the only one who thought that, right? Anyway, I suppose we should move on to this movie. But it's a beard that's missing most of its, well, beard. I guess it's the fact that the goatee is, technically, still a beard. And, it's weird, because I've seen the guy with just a mustache and I have no problem with it, but the goatee sort of throws me off. There's just something off about that, same as with Zach's goatee. Like a create-a-player in a video game and they're missing like, say, a cheek. I think I need to start with this before we get on with the actual review, but Zach Galifianakis looks really weird with a goatee on.